On 4/2/04 12:55 am, "Geoff Spenceley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Garden Rail
> Steve, yes, I agree and  I wish I knew a less expensive way to subscribe to
> GARDEN RAIL--it is a very excellent publication.  I wouldn't mind even if
> it took a little longer to reach me. I have subscribed for years.
> Geoff.

A very good point.  Certainly with 16mm Today (the house organ of the
Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers) we have set up a Paypal account,
which considerably reduces subscription costs for those members not living
in the UK.
I will most certainly put this idea forward to Atlantic Publishers to see if
this facility can be made available for subscribers to GardenRail.

I would also add that current subscribers are likely to notice an increase
in live steam coverage over the next few months.  They will further notice
that there is much increased trade coverage in the new 'Trading Places
feature (as from March issue - available this month), where reports from the
various manufacturers, information regarding the latest products, be it
peripheral items such as safety valve covers for Accucraft locos or slide
bar and crosshead fittings for Roundhouse with photos and prices, or the
latest locomotives - like the new one coming up from Roundhouse or the two
new ones (inc coal firing) from Cheddar.

"Trading Places' will also cover the rather less well known manufacturers
and builders, such as an up and coming TP feature on "Tootle Engineering",
who produce Australian prototypes from the engineering bases of Roundhouse
and Argyle and will also will be a place where you can find the sorts of
steamy 'bits and pieces' that one often only gets to hear about if one is a
regular at the various UK shows......

Tag Gorton
Garden Rail
Atlantic Publishers
16mm Today

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