Re. empty butane cans, I take a sharp pointed Rock Hammer or a fence tool and strike the can a couple times. this puts a couple of visible square holes in the can and then we put with all the other recycle cans and bottles. The gas will exit with the first good hit and the can is safe.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Henner Meinhold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 4:12 PM
Subject: Lubricator

Hi, on our donkeys we need to install (displacement) lubricators. The only place available is the vertical pipe coming down to the throttle. All lubricator designs I have seen so far work with a horizontal pipe. The dead-leg lubricator can probably be hooked up to a vertical pipe, but this device is a mystery to me... Any brillant ideas on how to solve our problem? And one more question: Empty butane cans (the Korean grocery store variety) begin to pile up in my garage. Is there a "political correct" way to get rid of them ? Regards Henner

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