Hi Vance, et al. Happy Easter. Got a few moments while waiting for wifey to get ready for services.

Thanks for the firebox photo. You say that the "the arms for mounting the front pivot are missing". Not sure what they are so I don't know what's missing. My supposition is that you should see the bottom of the firebox down to the mudring and then "something" related to the fire - maybe called the "ashpan" ? The photos that I've seen seem to have "doors" on them controlled by a rod. This is the part I don't understand. But at any rate, it turns out that the pony truck frame swings to the side on curves and would foul any faux firebox I were to put there. So my idea has been dashed on the rocks of practicality. Oh well. I really didn't need a futher complication to my project to prevent me from getting her back in steam ASAP. Spring is coming ! And longer daylight which God intended for steamers who have JOBS during the day.

royce in SB

Vance Bass wrote:

Here's a photo of the firebox of an 0-4-4. Obviously the arms for mounting the front pivot are missing,

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