On 06/25/2010 09:47 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> I realized today that the RPM packages for SSSD had the wrong version
>> for libini_config. The upstream project revision was 0.4.0, but we
>> were building RPMs that claimed it was 0.5.0. To further confuse
>> things, in the master branch we actually HAD bumped to 0.5.0 (with a
>> soname bump as well).
>> In order to fix this, I've attached patches to rev the version of
>> libini_config in SSSD 1.2 to the version of 0.5.1, and we will rename
>> the soname bumped version in master to 0.6.0.
>> The reason for going with 0.5.1 is to guarantee that upgrades occur
>> cleanly (in case someone had inadvertently installed a 0.5.0 package
>> from master, which would be incompatible).
>> The attached patches are as follows:
>> 0001-Drop-release-requirement-from-versions.patch:
>>      There's no reason that we should be requiring a specific release
>> number for the subpackages, since we always rev the version number
>> when interfaces are added.
>> 0002-Bump-libini_config-version-to-0.5.1.patch (sssd-1-2 only):
>>      Bump the 1.2 branch version to 0.5.1
>> 0002-Bump-libini_config-version-to-0.6.0.patch:
>>      Bump the master branch version to 0.6.0
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Visual ack.

Pushed to master and sssd-1-2 (as appropriate).

Stephen Gallagher
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