On 09/29/2015 04:03 PM, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
On (29/09/15 15:47), Nikolai Kondrashov wrote:
Thank you, Lukas. This is a simple and effective fix.

However, I would prefer that we keep the || on the end of the line, rather
than the start of the next one. Simply because the rest of the CI code does

I tried to follow convention from other parts of CI script.
However I could not find a multiline test. All tests in CI
script are single line either "[[ sth ]]" or "[ sth ]".
So I decided to use similar was as in C code.

Ah, I see.

If you prefer to have it otherwise, please change it everywhere.

There's nothig to change or did I I overlook something?
If you still prefer to have || on the end of
the line then I can change it. Just let me know.

There are two cases of "||" at the end of the line in commands (not []/[[]]
tests) in contrib/ci/run, plus there are two cases of "|" and one of "|&" in
other places, which are not the same yet similar.

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather keep the convention.

Thank you.

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