On 09/30/2015 09:38 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

to help the OpenSCAP integration, I prepared a wiki page that contains
options which have a security impact -- either positive (drop root) or
negative (ignore certificate validation issues).

I also tried to explain the effect of the options along with the
description. There are some more items that can be included, but I
wasn't sure about them myself, like:
     * should obfuscated passwords be mentioned? I wasn't sure because on
       one hand it really doesn't provide any benefit, on the other hand,
       the option can be used to check a compliance box that requires no
       passwords be stored in files..
     * should the page warn against the
       auth-option-that-shall-not-be-mentioned or politely deny its
       existence? :-)
     * What about fd_limit ? Should resource consumption be considered
       a security property, especially if we already honor system default? I
       think here the default is enough, so I didn't document that option.

Please provide your comments or edit the wiki directly. Thanks!
sssd-devel mailing list

I was thinking about 'cached_auth_timeout' timeout. If misconfigured and set 
for really long time changes of passwords on server would be ignored. I know 
that same effect could be achieved by maintaining SSSD in offline mode...
What do you think?
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