Hi everyone,

I'd like to continue the discussion of tlog integration, and also present you
the first release of tlog - a development preview, which has the configuration
interface necessary to implement the integration:


You're more than welcome to download RPMs, install, read tlog-rec(8) and
tlog-rec.conf(5), and experiment! Building from the Git tree and the tarball
works as well, if you're so inclined. I'm also attaching those manpages for

Here are the integration plans so far, as discussed with Jakub on our
devconf.cz trip meetings and before on the list. Jakub, please correct me or
add details.

* We follow the route similar to that taken by SELinux rule control
  implementation [1][2]. I.e. store the configuration in LDAP HBAC rules,
  write to files on the client side and then specify them to tlog upon user

  However, I'm also rather fond of the idea of specifying the whole
  configuration through an environment variable instead of through a file
  referenced by an environment variable - it's not big at all, and we'll avoid
  the hassle of managing the files.

  I implemented support for both in tlog (was easy).

* We'll have to make nss_sss report user's shell as tlog-rec (how?) and
  specify the actual shell to tlog-rec via an environment variable, through
  pam_sss (with SSS_PAM_ENV_ITEM messages). I.e.:

  * Nss_sss would always report tlog-rec as the user's shell.

  * During login (e.g. through "login" or "sshd") pam_sss would add a variable
    to the user environment, containing, or pointing at, a tlog-rec
    configuration (TLOG_REC_CONF_TEXT or TLOG_REC_CONF_FILE). That
    configuration would contain the user's actual shell. I can also implement
    support for a separate variable just for the shell (TLOG_REC_SHELL?) to
    simplify the implementation for the start.

  * Tlog-rec would read the system-wide configuration and overlay it with the
    one specified in the environment, adding the specific user shell, and then
    would spawn it.

Please also see the draft integration design page [3] for reference.
I hope to refine and extend it in the coming weeks to match FreeIPA standards.

Please chime in and suggest, object, discuss!

Also, please report tlog bugs at https://github.com/spbnick/tlog/issues

Thank you!


[1]: http://www.freeipa.org/page/SELinux_user_mapping
[2]: http://www.freeipa.org/images/b/b9/Freeipa30_SELinuxUserMap.pdf
[3]: http://www.freeipa.org/page/Session_Recording
tlog-rec(8)                 System Manager's Manual                tlog-rec(8)

       tlog-rec - start a shell and log terminal I/O

       tlog-rec [OPTION...] [CMD_FILE [CMD_ARG...]]
       tlog-rec -c [OPTION...] CMD_STRING [CMD_NAME [CMD_ARG...]]

       Tlog-rec  is  a terminal I/O logging program. It starts a shell under a
       pseudo-TTY, connects it to the actual terminal and logs whatever passes
       between  them including user input, program output, and terminal window
       size changes.

       If no "-c" option is specified,  then  the  first  non-option  argument
       CMD_FILE specifies the location of a shell script the shell should read
       and the following arguments (CMD_ARG) specify its arguments.

       If the "-c" option is specified, then a non-option argument  CMD_STRING
       is required and should contain shell commands to execute, the following
       arguments can specify first the script name  (CMD_NAME,  i.e.  argv[0])
       and then its arguments (CMD_ARG).

       If  no  non-option arguments are encountered, then the shell is started

       Tlog-rec loads its parameters first from the  systemwide  configuration
       file  /usr/local/etc/tlog/tlog-rec.conf,  then from the file pointed at
       by TLOG_REC_CONF_FILE environment variable (if set), then from the con‐
       tents of the TLOG_REC_CONF_TEXT environment variable (if set), and then
       from command-line options. Parameters from each of these sources  over‐
       ride the previous one in turn.

   General options
       -h, --help
              Output a command-line usage message and exit

       -s, --shell=SHELL
              Spawn the specified SHELL

       -l, --login
              Make the shell a login shell

       -c, --command
              Execute shell commands

              Print TEXT message before starting recording

              Cache captured data SECONDS seconds before logging

              Value minimum: 1

              Limit encoded data to BYTES bytes

              Value minimum: 32

              Use STRING log writer (syslog/file, default syslog)

              Value should be one of: "syslog", "file"

   Logged data set options
              Enable/disable logging user input

              Enable/disable logging program output

              Enable/disable logging terminal window size changes

   File writer options
              Log to FILE file

   Syslog writer options
              Log with STRING syslog facility

              Value  should  be  one of: "auth", "authpriv", "cron", "daemon",
              "ftp", "kern", "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", "local4",
              "local5",  "local6",  "local7", "lpr", "mail", "news", "syslog",
              "user", "uucp"

              Log with STRING syslog priority

              Value should be one of: "emerg", "alert", "crit", "err",  "warn‐
              ing", "notice", "info", "debug"

              Specifies  the location of a configuration file to be read.  The
              configuration parameters in this file override the ones  in  the
              systemwide configuration file /usr/local/etc/tlog/tlog-rec.conf.

              Specifies  the configuration text to be read.  The configuration
              parameters in this variable override the ones in the file speci‐
              fied with TLOG_REC_CONF_FILE.

              The systemwide configuration file

       Start recording a login shell:
              tlog-rec -l

       Start recording a zsh session:
              tlog-rec -s /usr/bin/zsh

       Record everything but user input:
              tlog-rec --log-input=off --log-output=on --log-window=on

       Ask the recorded shell to execute a command:
              tlog-rec -c whoami


       Nikolai Kondrashov <spbn...@gmail.com>

Tlog                             February 2016                     tlog-rec(8)
tlog-rec(5)                   File Formats Manual                  tlog-rec(5)

       tlog-rec.conf - tlog-rec configuration file

       tlog-rec.conf is a JSON-format configuration file for tlog-rec program.
       Contrary to the strict JSON specification, both C and  C++  style  com‐
       ments are allowed in the file.

       The  file must contain a single JSON object with the objects and fields
       described below.  Almost all of them are optional and assume a  default
       value.  However, those that do require a value can still be omitted and
       specified to tlog-rec in other ways: through environment  variables  or
       command line.

   Root object
       shell (string)
              The path to the shell executable that should be spawned.

              Default: "/bin/bash"

       notice (string)
              A  message  which  will be printed before starting recording and
              the user shell. Can be used to warn the user that the session is

              Default: "\nATTENTION! Your session is being recorded!\n\n"

       latency (integer)
              The  data  which does not exceed maximum payload stays in memory
              and is not logged until this number of seconds elapses.

              Minimum: 1
              Default: 10

       payload (integer)
              Maximum encoded data (payload) size per message, bytes.  As soon
              as  payload exceeds this number of bytes, it is formatted into a
              message and logged.

              Minimum: 32
              Default: 2048

       log (object)
              Logged data set object, see below.

       writer (string)
              The type of "log writer" to use for logging. The writer needs to
              be configured using its dedicated parameters.

              One of: "syslog", "file"
              Default: "syslog"

       file (object)
              File writer object, see below.

       syslog (object)
              Syslog writer object, see below.

   log - Logged data set object
       input (boolean)
              If specified as true, user input is logged.

              Default: true

       output (boolean)
              If specified as true, terminal output is logged.

              Default: true

       window (boolean)
              If specified as true, terminal window size changes are logged.

              Default: true

   file - File writer object
       path (string)
              The "file" writer log file path.

              No default.

   syslog - Syslog writer object
       facility (string)
              Syslog facility the "syslog" writer should use for the messages.

              One  of:  "auth",  "authpriv",  "cron", "daemon", "ftp", "kern",
              "local0",  "local1",  "local2",  "local3",  "local4",  "local5",
              "local6",  "local7",  "lpr",  "mail",  "news", "syslog", "user",
              Default: "authpriv"

       priority (string)
              Syslog priority the "syslog" writer should use for the messages.

              One of: "emerg", "alert", "crit",  "err",  "warning",  "notice",
              "info", "debug"
              Default: "info"

       A config specifying only a shell:

                  "shell": "/usr/bin/zsh"

       A config disabling logging user input:

                  "log": {
                      "input": false

       A config specifying logging to a file:

                  "writer": "file"
                  "file" : {
                      "path": "/var/log/tlog-rec.log"

       tlog-rec(8), http://json.org/

       Nikolai Kondrashov <spbn...@gmail.com>

Tlog                             February 2016                     tlog-rec(5)
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