On 04/18/2016 12:22 PM, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
On (18/04/16 11:14), Michal Židek wrote:
On 04/18/2016 10:39 AM, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
On (02/12/15 17:10), Michal Židek wrote:

I saw some integration tests failures recently,
and I think there is a race condition between the
enumeration refresh timeout and the sleeps
after some operations that wait for this timeout.
SSSD fails to populate changes from LDAP in time
and some asserts can fail because of this.

So far I saw 4 tests to fail like this, which
is already quite a lot.

The attached patch modifies the timeout values
and hopefully removes the issue.


I think I found alternative solution for intermittent
failures of ADD REMOVE test with enumeration.

Not sure if this is safer than my patch. I made the
timeouts bigger on purpose, so that we avoid
problems with machines under heavy load.

You decided to go the opposite direction by
making one of the timeouts shorter.

That being said, maybe your patch is better,
because if it does not fail even under heavy
load it will make the tests shorter.

Once the CI is up we can try 20 test
runs with your patch and if they do not
fail I will give you an ACK.

If they fail, we can still fallback to my patch.

We will need to find another solution.
Increasing timeout is not acceptable from long term perspective.
We need to have faster tests and not slower.


Then lets hope your patch will work :D
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