On (12/09/17 15:45), Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>I realized that it might be better to discuss it here rather then in
>pull requests because it seems to be related to two different commits.
>I will describe a test case on master with already created replica on another
>* kinit as admin
>    // create user with dummy password
>* echo $dummypw | ipa user-add $login --first "$firstname" --last "$lastname" \
>                               --password
>    // adding sleep think that first kinit hits slave sometimes and the user is
>    // not replicated yet.
>* sleep 2
>* FirstKinitAs $login $dummypw $password
>FirstKinitAs is a bash function which change initial password
>something like: echo -e "$password\n$newpassword\n$newpassword" | kinit -V 
>Such test works reliably with 1.15.3 and kinit always talk to local master
>(I didn't try to remove sleep 2)
>But situation changed a little bit with git master due to following commits
>IPA: Only generate kdcinfo files on clients

Could you explain what was the purpose of the patch?
Because I do not think that patch fix anything.

If there were some issues with generated kdcinfo files on ipa replicas
then I assume it is a bug in replica promotion which left _srv_ in


Because my experience is that after reverting patch
a309525cc47da726461aec1f238165c17aade2a6 sssd generate kdcinfo
just for local kdc server and sssd_krb5_locator_plugin.so will
use it and do not allow krb5 libs to try srv discovery.

I might be wrong or I could miss something and there might be
something else fishy in ipa*-install.

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