URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/128
Title: #128: Fix group renaming issue when "id_provider = ldap" is set

fidencio commented:
Okay, I've been playing with the suggestion but I'm kind stuck with one problem 
here: how to invalidate the negative cache from the sysdb_ops.c?

@pbrezina has suggested to just fire a d-bus call to nss responder and do it 
from there, which is a quite good option (and I have it partially implemented) 
but in order to communicate with the client, well, I need access to the struct 
dp_client ... which doesn't seem something easy to have from the sysdb_ops.

@sumit-bose suggested to add a new return error (something like 
SUCCESS_BUT_RENAME_DETECED) and treat it way up in the stack and then update 
the memory cache.

Both those ideas are quite intrusive and the second, somehow, seems more 
error-prone than the other.

There's also the possibility to start passing down the id_ctx (which has a 
pointer to be_ctx, which has a pointer to data_provider, from where I can get 
the struct dp_client) ... so we can just fire the d-bus call in the right place 
... but that's also something that is quite ugly to do.

So, I'm really open for suggestions here ...

See the full comment at 
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