On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 01:45:07PM +0000, Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET 
> ________________________________________
> From: Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC] 
> <bradley.v.zy...@nasa.gov>
> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 9:17 AM
> To: sssd-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
> Subject: [non-nasa source] [SSSD-users] Re: [EXTERNAL]  Re: Fedora 30 and 31 
> instant fail at gdm login greeter PIN prompt
> ________________________________________
> From: Sumit Bose <sb...@redhat.com>
> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 8:12 AM
> To: sssd-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [SSSD-users] Re: Fedora 30 and 31 instant fail at gdm 
> login greeter PIN prompt
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 04:38:23PM +0000, Zynda, Bradley V. 
> (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC] wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > pam.d/system-auth
> >
> > auth        [success=done authinfo_unavail=ignore ignore=ignore 
> > default=die] pam_sss.so try_cert_auth
> >
> > pam.d/smartcard-auth
> >
> > auth        [default=1 ignore=ignore success=ok]         pam_succeed_if.so 
> > uid >= 1000 quiet
> > auth        sufficient                                   pam_sss.so 
> > ignore_authinfo_unavail require_cert_auth
> > auth        required                                     pam_deny.so
> >
> > account     required                                     pam_unix.so
> > account     sufficient                                   pam_localuser.so
> > account     sufficient                                   pam_succeed_if.so 
> > uid < 1000 quiet
> > account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore] pam_sss.so
> > account     required                                     pam_permit.so
> >
> > session     optional                                     pam_keyinit.so 
> > revoke
> > session     required                                     pam_limits.so
> > -session     optional                                    pam_systemd.so
> > session     [success=1 default=ignore]                   pam_succeed_if.so 
> > service in crond quiet use_uid
> > session     required                                     pam_unix.so
> > session     optional                                     pam_sss.so
> >
> >
> > etc/sssd/sssd.conf
> > [sssd]
> > services = nss, pam
> > domains = files
> >
> > [nss]
> >
> > [pam]
> > pam_cert_auth = True
> > pam_cert_db_path = /etc/sssd/pki/<cert>.pem
> > debug_level = 4
> >
> > [domain/files]
> > id_provider = files
> >
> > [certmap/files/<user>]
> > matchrule = <EKU>msScLogin<SUBJECT>^.*,UID=<user>,.*$
> >
> >
> > gdm.d/greeter-login
> > enable-smartcard-authentication=true
> > enable-fingerprint-authentication=false
> > enable-password-authentication=false
> >
> >
> > Reboot and get Card PIN user prompt gdm-login-greeter -> add username and 
> > click next
> >
> > Get Prompted for PIN but after a second it just fails and goes back to 
> > asking for username.
> >
> > Has anyone run into this behaviour, suggestions, fix?
> Hi,
> does it work with other services than gdm, like e.g. the console login
> or su?
> Hi Sumit, yes it works with other services and logging into PIV websites
> Can you send the SSSD debug logs? You currently have 'debug_level = 4'
> in the [pam] section. This might help for a start but it might help to
> avoid some round-trips if you can set 'debug_level = 9' to the [pam] and
> [domain/files] section, restart SSSD and run the login test again before
> sending the logs.
> On debug=4 the logs just repeat this:
> (Fri Nov  1 08:54:50:113927 2019) [sssd] [confdb_ldif_from_ini_file] 
> (0x0020): Permission check on config file failed.
> (Fri Nov  1 08:54:50:113983 2019) [sssd] [confdb_init_db] (0x0020): Cannot 
> convert INI to LDIF [1]: [Operation not permitted]
> (Fri Nov  1 08:54:50:113994 2019) [sssd] [confdb_setup] (0x0010): ConfDB 
> initialization has failed [1]: Operation not permitted
> (Fri Nov  1 08:54:50:114015 2019) [sssd] [load_configuration] (0x0010): 
> Unable to setup ConfDB [1]: Operation not permitted
> (Fri Nov  1 08:54:50:114024 2019) [sssd] [main] (0x0020): Cannot read config 
> file /etc/sssd/sssd.conf. Please check that the file is accessible only by 
> the owner and owned by root.root.
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 343 Oct 31 11:16 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
> made it 640 instead <- guessing that is correct
> Will set debug=9 and retest
> Hi Sumit retested with debug 9 and still the same errors in var/log:
> (Fri Nov  1 09:28:20:676656 2019) [sssd] [confdb_ldif_from_ini_file] 
> (0x0020): Permission check on config file failed.
> (Fri Nov  1 09:28:20:676713 2019) [sssd] [confdb_init_db] (0x0020): Cannot 
> convert INI to LDIF [1]: [Operation not permitted]
> (Fri Nov  1 09:28:20:676724 2019) [sssd] [confdb_setup] (0x0010): ConfDB 
> initialization has failed [1]: Operation not permitted
> (Fri Nov  1 09:28:20:676746 2019) [sssd] [load_configuration] (0x0010): 
> Unable to setup ConfDB [1]: Operation not permitted
> (Fri Nov  1 09:28:20:676757 2019) [sssd] [main] (0x0020): Cannot read config 
> file /etc/sssd/sssd.conf. Please check that the file is accessible only by 
> the owner and owned by root.
> and the other logs have a similar entry:
> (Thu Oct 31 11:29:26 2019) [sssd[be[implicit_files]]] [orderly_shutdown] 
> (0x0010): SIGTERM: killing children
> Installed Packages
> sssd.x86_64                        2.2.2-1.fc31                        
> @anaconda
> -rw-r-----. 1 root root 343 Nov  1 09:20 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf


just make it 0600.



> I also verified I do not get prompted for PIN at TTY(fn+f2) for sudo or su, 
> just password.
> Thanks,
> Brad
> bye.
> Sumit
> >
> > Seems to be a reoccurring issue I have seen in +F28, +CentOS7 and +RHEL7 
> > basically anything with obsolete coolkey  pkcs11 authconfig.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Brad
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  • [SSSD-users] Fedora 30 a... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
    • [SSSD-users] Re: Fe... Sumit Bose
      • [SSSD-users] Re... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
        • [SSSD-users... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
          • [SSSD-u... Sumit Bose
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              • ... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
                • ... Sumit Bose
                • ... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
                • ... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
                • ... Sumit Bose
                • ... Zynda, Bradley V. (GSFC-423.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
                • ... Sumit Bose

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