On Jun 23, 2007, at 8:11 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Typically, both the handle (i.e., the value of the 'name' attribute) and
the group name are stored in a database. If you can put the complete
text of RFC 3920 as the handle and the complete text of RFC 3921 as the group name, then those values probably can't be stored as sent. Also if these strings can be of infinite length then the packets may become too
big to process in the server (10 Meg roster set, anyone?). It seems
reasonable to limit the sizes. I doubt that anyone will ever set handles
or group names to be even 1024 characters in length, but at least that
limit will enable client and server developers to handle the roster
items and make sure that roster sets and pushes can be processed.

+1 for limiting it.
However, 1024 octets please, rather than characters, like JIDs.

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