On Tuesday 26 June 2007 11:59 pm, Rachel Blackman wrote:
> And I know I seem to mention this in 
> darn near every post lately, but we STILL have two incompatible file
> transfer specifications live on the network right now unless Google
> Talk has decided to implement stream initiation. :)

GTalk file transfer is non-standard.  This is Google's problem, and well out 
of our hands.

Psi got this right.  It uses an improved file transfer mode when operating 
between Psi<->Psi, but it will gracefully fall back to the standard file 
transfer when interacting with other clients.  This, and the Psi team only 
has a measly two PhDs!  Google has a few more, I hear, so they should have no 
trouble solving this problem.

> It's time and energy we could spend on sorting out how to make Jingle
> more readily implementable.  We also have certification and
> standardization to think about.

You say this a lot, too. :)  I think you overestimate just how many developers 
are capable of making (or in a position to make) Jingle implementations.


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