Mridul Muralidharan wrote:
> Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> 4. One solution would be to define version 2 of nodeprep in rfc3920bis.
>> As far as I can see, nodeprep2 would allow " & ' < > since those can be
>> escaped in XML (e.g., XMPP 'to' address) as the predefined entities
>> &quot; &amp; &apos; &lt; &gt;. I'm not sure why : was prohibited in the
>> first place so that would be allowed. I suppose / was prohibited because
>> it's used later in a full JID to differentiate the resource identifier,
>> but in a node identifier I don't think it would be confusing so that
>> would be allowed. 
> user/[EMAIL PROTECTED] and domain/[EMAIL PROTECTED] cant be differentiated if 
> / is
> allowed.

Interesting, I think you're right. Consider "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", it
could be the bare JID of a user "" at or a domain
of with a resource of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Not good.

> Btw, changing nodeprep now will cause quite a lot of problem with
> existing deployments - since the contact jid's are part of the user data
> - and would pretty much mean we cant adopt bis spec.

What specifically breaks? Does it depend on which characters would be
allowed in nodeprep2? I agree that / and @ are problematic, but the
characters " & ' < > seem less so. But I may be missing something.

> The number of deployments with these usecases are not as specialized as
> it might seem.

I agree with that. Which is why I stand by XEP-0106. In part I think
that those who are so opposed to XEP-0106 are not familiar with the
deployment issues. But I agree that XEP-0106 needs to be clarified in
the ways we discussed recently. It's on my list to complete those
clarifications and post an interim version.


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