On Aug 13, 2007, at 7:02 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
So, to summarize, a ghost/outsider:

- Can see the presence of group members
- Can send messages to the whole group
- Is not seen as part of the group (no presence)
- Does not receive messages sent to the group


A few questions...

1. If an outsider sends a message to the group/room, what is the 'from'
address: the outsider's real JID or the outsider's room JID? Does the
outsider even get a room JID? If not, that would be different from how
all other messages are handled currently.

Oo. Good question. How about a non-anonymous message, from the room's bare jid? Messages from the bare room jid are often treated differently by clients, but I bet it ends up being ok.

<message from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'>
  <x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'>
    <item affiliation='none'
          jid='[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pda'

2. Does the list of outsiders need to be configurable by the group/ room
administrator, or is that more of a service-wide policy? (For example,
anyone from a configurable list of domains can be an outsider, service
admins can be outsiders, etc.)

The outsider list needs to be configurable same as the member list. Anything more complicated can be handled by room configuration extensions provided by the server implementor.

If "Modifying the Member List", etc. were just XEP-50 commands, we'd be done already... the server implementation could just add a new command to modify the outsider list.

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