Matthew Wild wrote:
> On 9/13/07, *Tobias Markmann* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Exactly. You can't expect an IM client to handle transfers of CD or
>     DVD image sized files. For these large files protocols like
>     BitTorrent have been developed and work really nice on doing that. 
> I found myself receiving a file over 200MB only yesterday, simply
> because it was the easiest way to do it. Protocols like BitTorrent are
> more for publishing files, than direct file transfer.
> I don't see why it is *necessary* for the protocol to place a limit on
> file size at all, barring technical (implementation?) restrictions.

I'm not saying that "the" protocol needs to limit the file size. I'm
saying that we need to think about how to handle different file sizes,
since the size of the file may have an impact on the choice of file
transfer method (e.g., you may want to send really small files via IBB
but not really big files).


Peter Saint-Andre

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