Very funny. :P

We use messages there in part because using IQs would require knowing
the full JID (and stock pubsub services do not know that).

But that's neither here nor there. The question is whether:

(1) acking an occasional roster push from the server to the client
(where BTW the server *does* know your full JID) is a serious problem
that we need to solve because it wastes large amounts of bandwidth


(2) sending roster pushes via <message/> is a pretty optimization that
is more elegant than what we developed in 1999, but it fundamentally

I think (2) obtains. Therefore I think it's just fine to keep IQs for
roster pushes. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Also surely if you are doing roster sequencing I would have thought it would be important for the server to know if you have received the push or not in order to keep things in sync correctly? So the ack is actually quite useful.


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