On Tue Mar 18 02:51:53 2008, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
Dave Cridland wrote:
> It's not the bandwidth, it's the additional transmission I'm more
> concerned with. For every <iq/> stanza, there's an addition TCP data > packet, and therefore there'll be a further ACK - both of which will
> cost power.
> The alternative is that we quietly explain to people that they needn't > bother replying to the <iq/> push, which I really don't like. I'm pretty > sure that the mobile developers won't want to reply to every roster
> push, anyway.

You make a point.

I note you don't say if it's a good one or not. :-)

I got my start in the Jabber community as the documentation guy. As a result, I've always seen it as my job to document the protocols as they are used in the community. In that sense I am a conservative, so I don't immediately think "gosh how much can we change things?" but "how little can we change to get our desired functionality?" In my opinion that's
one reason our community has stuck together rather than pulled apart
(with different projects and companies defining their own extensions). Changing core functionality in a significant way scares me because the feedback I typically receive is that it scares our developer community.
Maybe I'm being unduly conservative here, but it seems to me that we
legitimately might want to have roster sequencing without changing the
core behavior of roster pushes.

The converse problem is that for every extension which changes existing behaviour, rather than adding - and that's clearly the case here - you add a code-path. So each extension *of this type* needs to do as much as possible, to minimize having, at some later point in the future, a scenario where there are 4 or 5 extensions covering various optimizations surrounding rosters, and therefore 24 or 120 different combinations.

Each of those combinations needs testing, and while it's possible for us to reduce them by making them mandate each other, there's a risk of ending up with theoretical server capabilities that we simply cannot test.

So yes, I agree, there's no point in making such dramatic changes as to put developers off, but at the same time, we don't want to build 120 different roster behaviours. 2 is quite enough.

To summarize the discussion so far, roster sequencing enables the client
to know if the roster has not changed (and this is what saves us the
greatest amount of bandwidth). Beyond that I see several possible
bundles, from smallest change from current behavior to greatest change
from current behavior...

1. If the client provides a sequence number on login and the roster has
changed since that sequence number, the client receives one
old-fashioned roster push (IQ-set) for each item that has been added,
modified, or removed. Subsequent roster changes are sent via
old-fashioned roster pushes (IQ-set).

2. If the client provides a sequence number on login and the roster has changed since that sequence number, the client receives a "diff" -- that is, a full set of the items that have been added, modified, or removed
-- in one IQ set from the server to the client (and this diff may
include multiple items). Subsequent roster changes are sent via
old-fashioned roster pushes (IQ-set), with one item per push.

Both the above can be rolled into one extension easily - that's what the roster sequence validity/identifier thing I vaguely suggested was for.

As Joe suggested, though, the diff works fine as a set of old-fashioned roster-pushes.

3. If the client provides a sequence number on login and the roster has changed since that sequence number, the client receives a "diff" -- that is, a full set of the items that have been added, modified, or removed -- in one <message/> from the server to the client (and this diff may
include multiple items). Subsequent roster changes are sent via
<message/> stanzas, which may include multiple items.

Well, this is two changes:

1) Sending multiple roster-pushes in one stanza.

2) Sending roster-push stanzas as <message/> instead of <iq/>.

Is that an accurate summary? Are there other options on the table? Let's get clear on the options so that we can figure out which one is the best
way forward.

I think this is basically accurate, but there is another way of looking at it - there are four extensions on the table; we can pick 0..4 of them:

1) Maintain an indentifier for a particular roster state, such that a client needn't download the roster afresh unless it's changed.

2) Maintain an identifier for a particular roster state, such that a client may only download the outstanding pushes.

3) Allow multiple pushes.

4) Put pushes in stanzas.

Now, I think that 1 & 2 are fairly easily merged into one, but 3 & 4 are pretty much independent.

I think they're also pretty low-hanging fruit for servers and clients alike - the tougher part is getting 1 and/or 2 right.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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