Carlo v. Loesch wrote:
> Peter Saint-Andre typeth:
> | vCard is not very extensible on this point -- we can include a JabberID
> | via our hack of vcard-xml and I suppose that's OK. Perhaps we can even
> | include multiple JabberIDs. :)
> What about a list of URIs, so you can put all xmpp:jids, OpenID,
> and ahum URIs of other protocols in there next to each other.
> Possibly in the order of preference, which otherwise would be missing.

The vCard XML format does include a <URL/> element, but I think that was
intended only for http URLs. Or something. IMHO vCard was never very
well specified...

> Also I ran into a problem parsing this format, as it isn't semantically
> equivalent to vCard:
>     <TEL><VOICE/><HOME/><NUMBER>303-555-1212</NUMBER></TEL>
> I can't access it using an XPath-kind of approach as I could if it
> were written like this:
>     <TEL><VOICE><HOME><NUMBER>303-555-1212</NUMBER></HOME></VOICE></TEL>
> Regular vCard syntax is TEL;VOICE;HOME which gives me a clear hierarchy
> and at the same time a simple string to access. I miss that simplicity
> in XEP-0054.
> I decided not to handle this special case and simply return anything
> that has <NUMBER> in <TEL>, which may randomly turn out to be a voice
> or fax number out of 5 possibly provided numbers. Not a nice solution.
> It's probably too late to fix this, but I can try to ask anyway.

It's too late to fix this.


Peter Saint-Andre

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