On 06/09/2008 11:09 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 06/09/2008 9:50 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> However, I got talking to Rob McQueen - there's a certain amount of
>> sense in, instead of describing this in terms of IBB, describing it in
>> terms of Jingle.
>> It's possible - and reasonable - to consider an XMPP stream as content,
>> in which case the TLS becomes a transport (or possibly attribute of the
>> transport).
> Part of the idea behind XTLS is that you might want to use the XTLS
> "tunnel" for all e2e communications with another party. In particular,
> you might want to use that tunnel so that you don't expose your IP
> addresses during a Jingle negotiation (e.g., if you did XTLS over
> ICE-TCP or SOCKS5). So forcing XTLS to depend on Jingle might defeat the
> purpose. What transport would be used if we described XTLS in terms of
> Jingle, and might you expose personally identifying information in that way?

I just had a chat with Justin Karneges about XTLS. I'm now convinced
that it's best to follow the approach outlined above -- use Jingle to
negotiate an e2e stream that is transported via a reliable transport
mechanism such as SOCKS5 Bytestreams, IBB, reliable UDP, or whatever
else people come up with. I am currently revising the proposal along
those lines and will post to the list when I'm finished with the edits.


Peter Saint-Andre

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