
I have a small Jingle File Transfer question regarding multiple
candidates. In example 9 the initiator sends two offers, one with
SOCKS5 and one with IBB. After that the responder removes one and
opens the transport (in this case IBB). But why remove one _before_
trying to open (ok, we know IBB will work). IMHO it should be
something like this:

| Initiator send SOCKS5 and IBB session-initiate
| Responder sends IQ result
| Responder tries SOCKS5 before accept!
| a. it fails
|    Responder tries IBB
|    Responder uses content-remove on SOCKS5
| b. it works
|    Responder uses content-remove on IBB
| Responder sends session-accept

So why do we need content-replace here? And why sending a
content-remove? If the responder sends only the IBB content in
session-accept, isn't this an indirect content-remove already?

Dirk, thinking Jingle is a bit confusing

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