On 06/17/2008 6:56 AM, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a small Jingle File Transfer question regarding multiple
> candidates. In example 9 the initiator sends two offers, one with
> SOCKS5 and one with IBB. After that the responder removes one and
> opens the transport (in this case IBB). But why remove one _before_
> trying to open (ok, we know IBB will work). 

Perhaps because you don't support the one you remove, or you know that
your server doesn't allow it even though your client supports it, or
whatever. The point is that you've been given a choice of transports and
for whatever reason you want to proceed with only one of them.

> IMHO it should be
> something like this:
> | Initiator send SOCKS5 and IBB session-initiate
> | Responder sends IQ result
> | Responder tries SOCKS5 before accept!
> | a. it fails
> |    Responder tries IBB
> |    Responder uses content-remove on SOCKS5
> | b. it works
> |    Responder uses content-remove on IBB
> | Responder sends session-accept
> So why do we need content-replace here? And why sending a
> content-remove? If the responder sends only the IBB content in
> session-accept, isn't this an indirect content-remove already?

Perhaps. But what if one of the offered transports is ice-tcp (yet to be
defined) and you really don't want to go through the bother of that
verbose ICE negotiation?

I suppose what you are saying is: the initiator can offer a bunch of
transports and both parties should try them all at once, and whatever
goes through will be used. But that seems a bit messy and wasteful,
perhaps, since you may end up trying to send the file over multiple

Or maybe I'm missing something here... :)


Peter Saint-Andre

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