On Thu Oct  9 22:30:26 2008, Brett Zamir wrote:
Since having a @type on <message> is recommended and as the other types don't seem to apply, should Pubsub recommend use of <message type=headline> for all of its messages? If so (as really seems necessary if one type is to be chosen since the closest type, 'normal' seems excludable since there is no expectation of a reply in Pubsub), might the following description of the type 'headline' need to be adjusted: "message is probably generated by an *automated* service that delivers or broadcasts content (news, sports, market information, RSS feeds, etc.)" (emph. added)?

The broadcast aspects of a pubsub service are automated - the content is not, and the decision to use those services is not, but then, sports information is not automated either - someone, somewhere, makes the decision to broadcast/publish it.

I think these days, the description ought to be updated to include a direct reference to pubsub, actually. "RSS" should be replaced with "Atom", and there's a possible informational reference to Atom-over-PubSub there, too.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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