Dave Cridland wrote:
> On Tue Nov 25 13:03:15 2008, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
>> I also like the fact that you don't try to use a direct connection,
>> which has the known problems, which many just ignored in the
>> previous  discussion.
> Actually, it's not that the problems are ignored, they're simply
> punted. XEP-0247 simply says "Hey, we'll negotiate something that
> works", and avoids the entire issue, by design. This is a good thing.

Yes. My c2c plugin just tells Jingle to open a stream and doesn't care
what it is.

> We're hoping that technologies like ICE-TCP and other transport layer
> solutions will be developed. This seems pretty reasonable - I'm not
> convinced by ICE-TCP itself

Same here. ICE-TCP is very complex and we do not need it. IMHO we have
some basic candidates:

1. One client has a public IP address and is not behind a firewall.
2. One client is behind a NAT, but NAT-PMP or UPnP IGD is available
3. One client knows a TURN server

IMHO that's it. Do we need more? Should it be more complex? In fact, 1
and 2 are similar for the peer's point of view: it can connect. You can
replace 2 with everything you want, e.g. TEREDO or whatever comes to
your mind. Just send candidates with increasing complexity on your side
until it works. If it does not, try TURN. If that also does not work,
let it fail and we can try SOCKS5 and IBB on Jingle-level.

> but we're not tied to TCP, just a reliably ordered stream, which makes
> life rather simpler. (FWIW, I suspect we could use ICE to setup
> two-way UDP communications and layer a reliability layer on that - in
> fact, I think it's been done).

That is also an option and should be in another XEP. So Jingle can try
direct TCP like above, reliable UDP if that does not work, SOCKS5 as
next solution, and maybe IBB as fallback.

> What any sane person would realise is that XMPP expertise won't help
> there at all, and that a good design would allow these additional
> technologies to be designed by others, and simply slotted in
> post-facto.

Yes. But IMHO the core of ICE-TCP is just that: try what we have.


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