At its next meeting (Wednesday), the XMPP Council will have a chat about
the XMPP BOF @ the IETF. Read on for more information. As always, anyone
can join the Council meeting.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Council] XMPP BOF @ IETF 74
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:58:34 -0700
From: Peter Saint-Andre <>
Reply-To: XMPP Council <>
To: XMPP Council <>
References: <>

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> Plans are coming together for an XMPP BOF @ IETF 74 in San Francisco,
> probably to be held on Monday, March 23. Let's discuss in the next
> Council meeting. I'll post further before then.

See the archives for the list for details. Posting here
so we can talk in the Council meeting.

0. Does it make sense to revive the XMPP WG in order to complete work at
the IETF on some topics of interest? I see the primary topics as:

1. RFC revisions (rfc3920bis/rfc3921bis).

2. Do we need to complete interop reports? (Those might not needed until
we try to advance the core specs from Proposed to Draft, whereas right
now I think we will cycle at Proposed.)

3. Finish mappings between XMPP and SIP/SIMPLE (cf. the series of I-Ds
with names draft-saintandre-sip-xmpp-* -- currently 6 of them).

4. Mobile optimizations. So far these are mainly roster versioning and
stream management (XEP-0198). The "roster filtering" stuff discussed at
the XMPP Summit might also be worth considering. I think that "session
hush" (also discussed in Brussels) is too preliminary.

5. Replace stringprep / IDNA with something more reasonable.

6. End-to-end encryption.

7. BOSH. However, I think this is more properly part of the AppArea
meeting, see here:

So, I think we might need the following participation from the XMPP
community before the BOF:

a. Internet-Draft submissions for stream management (XEP-0198) and e2e
(Jingle-XTLS proposal). In the Council meeting let's discuss whether we
think it's OK to send this work off to the IETF. The same goes for some
of the roster work (versioning and filtering).

b. Commitments from presenters. That would include core (me), SIP-XMPP
(perhaps Salvatore Loreto from Ericsson), mobile (me, or perhaps Justin
Karneges could come up to SF to talk about XEP-0198), stringprep and
IDNA (Kurt Zeilenga or Joe Hildebrand?), e2e (probably me, I don't think
Dirk could be there), and BOSH (Jack?).

We'll talk about this more in the meeting, I just wanted to set the stage.


Peter Saint-Andre

Peter Saint-Andre

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