Feedback mostly discussed in the jdev conference:

* bidirectional s2s could be announced in <stream:features> sent
  right after the opening <stream> tag from the initiator.

* connection reuse for multiple s2s links would be a very useful
  feature, ask Dave for details

* resource conflicts should be handled consistently in servers

* an explicit way to kick other resources might be very handy

* multiple resources could have a less confusing named feature (not
  unbind, but something like multi-bind probably)

* xml:lang per stanza seems to be pretty rare, I would prefer MAY to
  SHOULD, or even to discurage per-stanza xml:lang entirerely and
  encourage use of xml:lang only for elements with localized strings.
  Many users (and also client developers) just don't care about
  languages. Unqualified strings are (and will be) very common, I would
  use MAY even for the elements.

* "gone" has a very good usecase that could be made explicit... it is
  JID redirection and could be handled by clients (e.g. the client could
  offer the user to add the new JID upon error - presence/message
  would trigger it).

* Consider including XEP-198 Stream Management in the RFC



Freelance consultant and trainer
in networking, communications and security.

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