Oh, this would be fantastic. I'm currently rewriting my bot as a component to take over roster management because the roster is just getting to large to deal with as a single stanza. However going component i also have to take over presence management, which i'd prefer not to

What I'd really like to see though would be a bit more complicated, i.e. i'd love to just specify a if-modified or something and get the roster entries that are new or have changed since that time, so i can sync up my locally persisted one.


On Feb 25, 2009, at 6:33 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

At the XMPP Summit in Brussels, we talked about a mechanism for
retrieving only parts of your roster. This would be useful for mobile
applications or any situation in which bandwidth is an issue, such as
when you have 2,000+ people in your roster. ;-)

The basic idea is that you could ask the server to send you only
contacts in the roster group(s) you specify. The XML might look
something like this:

<iq type='get'>
 <query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'>
   <group xmlns='urn:xmpp:rosterviews'>VIPs</group>

(Naturally you would need to discover support for this feature before
sending that IQ-get to the server.)

The server would then send you only the contacts in the group(s) you

<iq type='result'>
 <query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'>
   <item jid='f...@example.com'>
   <item jid='b...@example.net'>

The server would also filter inbound presence so that you would receive presence notifications only from contacts in the group(s) you specified.

We had rough consensus that the server would not change its processing
of your outbound presence, i.e., it would send your presence to your
entire contact list, not only contacts in the group(s) you specify via
roster views.

If people think this would be useful, I'd be happy to write a small spec about it. Right now I don't think this belongs in rfc3921bis but I could be persuaded to change my mind about that (e.g., it might make sense to
have both roster versioning and roster views in the same core spec).


Peter Saint-Andre

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