On 4/14/09 12:44 PM, Jiří Zárevúcký wrote:
>> You are raising the scenario of the stream dying right after the server
>> sends 303. I'm saying that client 1 MUST NOT consider itself to be up to
>> date when it receives 303, because the server has already told it that
>> the latest version is 305. Therefore, when the client reconnects it MUST
>> behave as if it never received the roster push for version 303 and
>> instead send the exact same roster get it sent when it came back online
>>  (i.e., 299).
> Client does not consider itself up-to-date but it would retrieve a
> complete state if it starts retrieving again from that particular
> point. So it could save the interim pushes as they arrive (if we
> disregard the last change to the spec, which was based on wrong
> assumptions).
> That could make a huge difference if the client is on very low
> bandwidth, or expensive connection based on transfered data (which for
> example GPRS on mobile phones).

Aha, I see what you are saying. That's possible. I'll need to think
about it some more...


Peter Saint-Andre

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