On Fri Apr 17 15:18:37 2009, Leonid Evdokimov wrote:
Jiří Zárevúcký wrote:
> I guess the only "issue" now is the unneeded restriction you added to > the SVN based on my incorrect feedback. I mean the part "The client > MUST NOT process any of the interim roster pushes until...". I think
> you can safely remove it again, as the reason for the change was
> proven invalid.

No, that's quite valid restriction. Client MAY cache some roster pushes to resume operation from the middle of "transaction" in case of broken connection, but it MUST NOT bump it's internal roster version until it
gets the full "transaction" of pushes.

We decided that each roster push was in and of itself atomic, so the "transaction" you're referring to doesn't exist - each roster push can be effectively treated as an atomic commit point in and of itself.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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