"Upon receiving notice that a data packet is cannot be processed by
the recipient, the sender SHOULD consider the bytestream to be closed
and invalid but MAY attempt to correct the error and re-send the
offending data packet using the same sequence number (the recipient
MUST NOT consider a sequence number to have been used until the data
packet has been successfully processed)."

The sender must either resend data or explicitly close the stream by
sending the "close" query. Otherwise the recipient doesn't know
whether the sender wants to resend or not. Right?

What confuses me it that in the case of invalid sequence number, the
one responsible for closing of the stream is the receiver:

"The recipient MUST NOT process the data of such an out-of-sequence
packet, nor any that follow it within the same bytestream; instead,
the recipient MUST consider the bytestream invalid and SHOULD close
the bytestream as described in the next section."

But that's also "SHOULD", not "MUST"... what happens if the recipient
doesn't close it?

Can this part be clarified and made sure that stream invalidation is
in all cases obvious to both entities? Thanks :)

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