
On 2009/07/15, at 08:36, Kevin Smith wrote:

While we're discussing upgrading roster handling, can I put my request
in for hanging arbitrary xml off the roster entries, please?

Thats the only reason I could come up with to justify changing namespaces. And I think that when Joe mentioned "it would give us a chance to define an extensibility model" this is one of the things that would fallback naturally from such model.

The question as always is of scope: do we just make jabber:iq:roster a little bit more liberal and use it for rosters from gateways, or do we go the whole nine yards and create a new roster protocol.

I think that creating a new protocol for rosters is something that takes time, and the problem of gateway roster would still be messy until then.

I say we fix what the known problem is right now, gateway interaction, by allowing the use of jabber:iq:roster and roster versioning with multiple entities.

I would love to have XML annotations on roster items, it would solve a lot of with meta-contacts, and other uses cases (personal notes on contacts like "remind me to ask kev for an update on his new client ;)", or alarms "when remko logs on, ask him if the client is coming along").

But how to do it would be a big discussion: would it be possible to just define a new PubSub profile and be done with it?

Best regards,

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