On Thu Jul 16 10:57:51 2009, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
I know that this is also an implementation issue, maybe more of an implementation issue than a protocol issue. But having a protocol that sends all initial presences at once would do two things:

1.) Force server developers to cache.

Which in turn would force many server developers to read the specification, laugh hysterically, and ignore it. The base specification clearly does not require caching of presence, and this is a substantial amount of work, for very debatable gain. Speaking as a server implementor, I doubt very much if I would implement such a proposal.

2.) You know when you got all presences and then definitely know if somebody is online without waiting 10 minutes just in case you didn't get the initial presence yet.

Responding to probes with an offline presence (as well as delay-stamping probe responses) solves this.

Both these techniques would benefit from mentioning in the bis drafts and/or a best-practise XEP.

Is there a solution that will provide the same level of information (show, status, availability, priority and caps) that the current presence flood provides? And that works in a distributed environment?

It would basically be one stanza that includes all the presences. It could even keep the presences 1:1.

I don't see how that gains anything but delay.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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