On Fri Sep 25 10:29:44 2009, Fabio Forno wrote:
Re-reading XEP-0050 for an implementation issue I've found nothing
that forbids sending the actions <next/> and <complete/> together.
Imho it is a nonsense and I think nobody uses it, but for better
clarification and better user interfaces (I've seen both buttons
together sometimes) I'd write in paragraph 3.4, in the third bullet:
"<next/> and <complete/> MUST not be used together."

Is that kind of structure commonly used for short-cuts in wizards, and suchlike?

So you have both a [Next >] and a [Finish] button available?

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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