On Sat Mar  6 09:33:25 2010, Pedro Melo wrote:
Besides, this is a trivial XEP. The C2S already has your IP address,
so its easier to ask your server for it.

That's not actually clear to me.

In the majority of our deployments, M-Link sits in a DMZ, with routable access to client IP addresses, such that it sees internal addresses rather than external. I have no reason to think that in this respect, our customers are different from anyone else's. Since the majority of the clients connect from internal addresses, it follows that this protocol will return the wrong address in the majority of cases for the majority of deployments.

I understand the need for this XEP, but it would be useful to acknowledge that STUN exists and is preferable (since STUN servers will be explicitly located to avoid the aforementioned problem) - the current XEP doesn't have any mention of STUN, which is a little alarming.

For one thing, suggesting that this will usefully indicate to clients that they are located behind a NAT isn't true if the server is also located behind the same NAT...

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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