2010/3/20 Florian Zeitz <florian.ze...@gmx.de>:
> On 2010-03-20 at 11:48, Väisänen Teemu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> What do you think about the following:
>> The server knows client's IP address, so what if the server would also
>> check country, operator, etc. and send some (location) related
>> information back to the client, if the client requested these types of
>> information, not just an IP address? Would another XEP be required, or
>> could it be added to this XEP-0279 or even to XEP-0080?
>> Another solution is of course to do all this in the client (using
>> external services) after the client has received its own IP address
>> from the server.
>> BR, Teemu Väisänen
> This sounds like (an extension to?) XEP-0255
> (<http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0255.html> Location Query) to me.

XEP-0255 offers mechanisms I was thinking of, so thank you Florian and
Tobias. With an extension to it, less procissing in the client and two
few messages are required if compared to combination of
XEP-2079+XEP-0255,.but I don't think the amount of messages becomes a

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