On 20/12/2010 14:58, Dave Cridland wrote:
On Mon Dec 20 16:48:58 2010, Thomas Baquet wrote:
On 20/12/2010 14:45, Dave Cridland wrote:
No, there's a single leaf node for *all* the published items. And I'd argue that if you can't post to a node, then direct replies are not supported by that node.
What do u propose then to link the answer onto the base item?

WHat's needed beyond Atom threading in the payload?

The problem is by using Atom that you'll limit reply node to Atom content then - otherwise, you'll lost the power of pubsub, even if Atom is extensible; a stupid example should be: if I want to answer with a mood, or a tune (even if it is basically expected for PEP, nothing should prevent me to post this)

Thomas Baquet (aka Lord Blackfox)

Jabber ID: ldblack...@papaya.im
Website: http://www.lordblackfox.net/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/LordBlackFox

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