I agree with Gregg for the most part.
That said, it's still a concern of standards interoperability even when
limiting retroactive editing to just only the last message (or two).  That's
a concern right now, even if I say, I permanently give up the possibility of
using a private extension to allow retroactive editing beyond the last
message.  (Which I would rather not -- just to keep the door open for 'niche

Yes, the standards have a method of highlighting edits.  There are many
methods of edit highlighting, and those are virtually all a UI
implementation issue.

Also, my spouse is a court reporter.  You'd be surprised at the low quality
of some of the software available (I've seen with my own eyes) & that XMPP
would be a big improvement, especially if combined with some of the
security-improving XMPP standards.

Mark Rejhon

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Gregg Vanderheiden <g...@trace.wisc.edu>wrote:

> I think that we should be very careful with retro-editing.
> Any edits should be plainly visible as edits.   There will be a lot of
> business carried out in this medium.  And much of it will be carried out by
> people who not only don't pay attention to settings, but may not even know
> there are settings in their client -- or that all clients do not behave the
> same.
> So having someone able to edit the RECORD of the chat, not only on their
> machine, but on the machines of others.   And to allow them to edit text
> that has scrolled off screen (say on a phone), would allow them to change
> the RECORD of a conversation without the person knowing about it.
> Hence either
> 1)  don't allow retro editing   OR
> 2)  mark edits so it is clear what was said, and that it was subsequently
> edited.   OR
> 3)  when a block is edited -- it is auto-copied to the bottom and
> re-transmitted. (This takes no action by the standard -- and can be done
> today in any client).
> Court reporters use special secure technologies and do not use IM.
>  Remote captioning services would use RTT  - and would also have to clearly
> mark edits for a number of reasons.
> We don't want to have something we do cause this IM to be viewed as less
> safe for business than others.
>  *Gregg*
> -----------------------
> Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
> Director Trace R&D Center
> Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
> and Biomedical Engineering
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> On Mar 25, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Mark Rejhon wrote:
> Please note: My real time text standard is chat-based, just like AOL AIM
> 6.8 or later in "AIM Real Time IM" (Google that string).  It is highly
> desirable by deaf users, in message-based chat.  However, when combined with
> retroactive editing, it becomes more collaboration.  Boundaries get blurred.
>  It's no longer orthogonal.
> See the problem:
> 1. Even for ONE message back, this standards are incompatible.  This needs
> to be fixed.  Retroactive editing is useful for real time text chats too!
> 2. And, what if, there was ever a reason, for MORE than one message back,
> such as for court reporting?  Same retroactive edit standard?
> Or create new standard?
> See the problem?
> One standard or two???
> It may be easier to keep it as two separate retroactive editing standards,
> to cover all use cases.
> If chat based, we should merge to one.
> (We *ARE* blurring the lines between chat and collaboration when we use
> both of our standards in the same chat software)
> As it stands, I'm using a chat-based real time text standard which
> is great for conversations between the deaf (google "AOL Real-Time IM"
> for some mainstream chat background info)
> SUGGESTED timeline:
> - I work quickly to finish my Version 0.02 rewrite of my standard and
> submit to XMPP.org (this has lit a fire under me to do so, more quickly)
> - During the "experimental" stage of the standard, work towards
> compatibility using minor tweaks to both of our standards
> - Make sure our standards are compatible.
> Remember....
> - Real Time Text may someday become a mainstream opt-in "assistive" feature
> of chat clients
> - AOL AIM -- now has Real Time IM that can be activated via a menu option
> - Jabber / GTalk / iChat -- My XMPP RTT standard (and I already have a
> Google contact I may petition to add RTT support to GMAIL's chat), which is
> modelled the same way but as an open standard rather than proprietary.
> - etc.
> And may all be required to interoperate someday, too.
> But we have plenty of time.  I like the idea of your retroactive editing
> standard.
> But we have very different ideas how to approach the retroactive edit
> problem.
> So, the question becomes: One standard or two?  (I already have a private
> extension, with a configurable X-lines-allowed of retroactive editing --
> including limiting to only 1 or 2 lines of retroactivity -- which I
> originally was not going to submit)
> Sincerely,
> Mark Rejhon

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