On Tue Jul 12 01:26:55 2011, Waqas Hussain wrote:
Why is BOSH included in the list when we say "* Support can be enabled
via an external component or an internal server module/plugin."? Any
XMPP compliant server would pass that, so there's no point in making
this an explicit item.

Bear in mind that these are marketing and/or procurement terms, primarily.

So if you went up to a consultant and said "We need an Advanced Server 2012", they would need to give you an XMPP solution that supported BOSH, whether or not they'd gone out and installed PunJab.

RFC 6122 is missing.

I'm assuming the XSF is using the compliance XEPs as a tool to
encourage implementation. If that is correct, then:

There's a case to be made for caps support for Advanced Server, as
some servers do flood users with PEP without taking caps into account.

Agreed - XEP-0115 is a requirement for PEP. There are also server cases, too.

What is the case for Chat State Notifications for Advanced Client? I
mean it's useful, just like a hundred other XEPs, but is it useful
enough to be made into a compliance requirement?

I'm ambivalent about this. I do appreciate it's one of those features with high user demand.

Now, things which are missing, but shouldn't be:

Working file transfer should be a requirement for Advanced Client.

Agreed - really I think we want Jingle FT with IBB and S5B, but that also implies a need to support S5B proxying on the server. The trouble is, it's not clear we're ready with those specs.

I'm not sure if audio/video support should be a compliance requirement
for Advanced Client, but some would think so.

I'm hoping that "Jingle Voice" etc become compliance bundles, so it's possible to say that MegaJabber 2.4 is "Advanced Client 2012 with Jingle Voice".

And finally, I'd personally like Message Receipts being included in
more clients. They make a huge difference when you are on a bad
network (e.g., most mobile networks outside of central city areas
across the world).

That implies we may want XEP-0198 as well. We've been play-testing that on mobile networks whilst on trains, and so on, and it's very effective.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
 - acap://acap.dave.cridland.net/byowner/user/dwd/bookmarks/
 - http://dave.cridland.net/
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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