Am 22.09.2011 01:23, schrieb Kurt Zeilenga:

On Sep 21, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Alexander Holler wrote:

Am 21.09.2011 03:03, schrieb Kurt Zeilenga:
While XEP 45, Section 9.4 is reasonable clear that loss of membership causes a 
kick from the room, Section 10.7 is less clear of what happens on loss of admin 

10.7 says:
   If the user is in the room, the service MUST then send updated presence from this individual to all 
occupants, indicating the loss of administrative privileges by sending a presence element that contains 
an<x/>   element qualified by the '' namespace and containing 
an<item/>   child with the 'affiliation' attribute set to a value other than "admin" or 
"owner" and the 'role' attribute set to an appropriate value given the affiliation level and the room 

and then gives an example of showing the user moved to participant.

It doesn't detail what actually is 'appropriate'.

Table 4 (5.1.2 Default Roles) shows what is appropriate.

Where does this table, or anywhere in that section, does it say what actions 
are triggered due to the affiliation change?

This table lists which role to apply. So if some gets the affiliation none in a member-only room, he has to be kicked. Otherwise the client has to set the new affiliation to member instead of none. 9.4 (Revoking Membership) explains in detail what happens when membershipis removed.
I don't see any uncertainty here.



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