Le 25/09/2011 11:54, Alexander Holler a écrit :
> Am 25.09.2011 11:39, schrieb Kevin Smith:
>> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Alexander
>> Holler<hol...@ahsoftware.de>  wrote:
>>> Am 24.09.2011 23:51, schrieb Waqas Hussain:
>>>>> And handling room-aliases on the server side would have many pitfalls
>>>>> (e.g.the delay elements in the history). I'm not sure where else
>>>>> room-JIDs
>>>>> are used (besides in 'from'), that would require checking the
>>>>> whole XEP
>>>>> for
>>>>> appearances of room-JIDs (which currently isn't that easy) ;)
>>>> Kev is correct. MUC aliasing can work fine without any protocol or
>>>> client changes. A server doesn't need to forbid letting a client enter
>>>> a room in two ways. It would work fine. And I can't think of any
>>>> pitfalls regarding the delay element.
>>> The pitfall is that you can't stamp the delayed stanza when the
>>> delaying
>>> actually occurs, which means you have to do that somehow else. If
>>> you do,
>>> you will have to change that afterwards (when sending out). Stuff
>>> like this
>>> is what I call pitfalls.
>> I don't see why aliasing would affect the way delay elements are
>> inserted into room history. Please explain.
> The from in the delay element has to be the domain (alias) the
> receiving occupant connected to. And the server doesn't know that when
> the stanza will be stored. Anyway, implementing it somehow else is no
> problem.
> But I don't want to continue this discussion.
> I agree that it is possible without changing the XEP, so the original
> request to change the XEP is fulfilled because it isn't needed. So
> everyone can go on and implement it.
> Regards,
> Alexander
A r...@conference.server.tld is changed to r...@muc.server.tld
(conference.server.tld is now muc.server.tld in server config file), the
question is: "How it is possible to create an alias if the old server
muc (conference.server.tld) does not exist?"



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