On 10/5/11 9:07 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 10/5/11 1:20 AM, Gerard Maas wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Thanks for the follow-up. 
>> Could you give me an idea about the timeline of such a revision? Are we
>> talking days/weeks/months?
> Hours? :)
> The XMPP Council will discuss the matter in its meeting today, which
> just started.

See here:


and here:


SleekXMPP appears to have <Base64> but in the chatroom Lance Stout said
he could fix that.

I am inclined to view <Base64> as a typo in the (unofficial) schema that
we borrowed from Elliotte Rusty Harold's book, and inclined to correct
the schema with a prominent note in the text about earlier versions of
the spec showing <Base64> instead of <base64>.


Peter Saint-Andre

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