On 5/22/12 12:40 PM, Sergey Dobrov wrote:
> On 05/23/2012 12:55 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> On 5/22/12 11:56 AM, XMPP Extensions Editor wrote:
>>> Version 0.6 of XEP-0277 (Microblogging over XMPP) has been released.
>>> Abstract: This specification defines a method for microblogging over
>>> XMPP.
>>> Changelog: Added node configuration suggestions; removed file
>>> attachments; added rich content examples; change atom:content to
>>> atom:title anywhere in the document; invented the "Aggregator"
>>> entity; changed nodes metainformation locations; added possibility to
>>> add own content to repost. (snd)
>> A few questions...
>> What is a reasonable value for pubsub#max_items?

To be clear, this is in reference to the section on microblog node


> It actually depends on server restrictions or user preferences. Maybe,
> it option is excess but ejabberd implementation (for example) has
> default value of 10 which is too small for such application and it can
> be dangerous not to warn developers about such thing. AFAIK, Jappix sets
> this value to something like 10-100 thousands of items which seems
> reasonable.

Well, the need to *change* it from the default to some reasonable value
implies that the default value is unreasonable. That might depend on
implementation and deployment (e.g., if someone runs an XMPP interface
to an existing microblogging service, or a dedicated XMPP-based
microblogging service, then the defaults might be perfectly reasonable).
Thus I don't think the SHOULD is necessary here. It could say "verify
that the max items setting is reasonable for microblogging purposes and
change if necessary".

>> Why change "pubsub#send_last_published_item" to "never"?
> Actually, just to prevent extra traffic from possible rich content of
> items. Can be omitted but I think that such things would be better to
> change on the client side but current Pubsub doesn't allow such
> interaction which is another problem. (I really wonder why such things
> as retractions delivery is set on a node level and not on client side).

But I certainly might want to receive the last published item whenever I
log in. This too seems like a setting that a dedicated microblogging
service would tune in their configuration.

>> I don't understand the special meaning of ItemID = zero for metadata. I
>> think there might be a better way to handle this.
> The meaning is just to provide easy way to obtain this very important
> data by just retrieving some magic constant named item. 

We usually try to avoid magic values. :)

> It can be some
> more adjective string like "meta", actually, it doesn't really matter.
> But the main idea is to provide an ability to retrieve it quickly. For
> example, if I see a link to some comment for a some thread in generic
> pubsub service, I might be able to know which was the original post this
> comment related to and then I can just retrieve that metadata node and
> see and retrieve original post then. I don't want to create another
> pubsub node for metadata because this will make our data even more sparse.
> Maybe, we can solve this using existing metadata pubsub feature but from
> my point of view it's not too useful to store such data. (fix me if I
> wrong)

In XEP-0084, we had a dedicated metadata node:


That spec is not so widely implemented, but the model seems fine.

> P.S. thanks Peter for your review, I glad if some discussion will appear
> on the topic.

Agreed. Anyone else?


Peter Saint-Andre

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