>I have been reviewing XEP-0060 (pubsub) and have come across something that is 
>bothering me.

>Throughout the document, notification events are highlighted and discussed.  
>The events come as a Message element with a child Event element that is in the 
>jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event >namespace.  This is the case for nearly 
>every event notification until you get to the very end of section 8 in the 

>8.9.4 describes the notification event for an affiliation change.  However, 
>this event notification is a Message stanza with a Pubsub child element 
>(rather than an Event element).  I would like to >understand why it is this 
>way.  The section above it, 8.8.4, covers subscription notifications (very 
>similar in nature to the affiliations) and it is under an Event element.

>Could someone tell me if there is a specific reason for it being setup this 
>way?  If their isn't, I would like to submit that "affiliation" be added under 
>the Event namespace (similar to subscription) and >section 8.9.4 be updated 

I am resending this message from yesterday because we really need a response.  
I don't want to move away from the specification but we want to code this in a 
manner that makes sense.  We currently use OpenFire and OpenFire doesn't event 
seem to support this event at all so it shouldn't be an issue with OpenFire.  
We are writing our own server so we can code it to behave the way we want.  
Does anyone have any thoughts here?

Todd Herman

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