> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Saint-Andre [mailto:stpe...@stpeter.im]
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 11:36 AM
> To: XMPP Standards
> Cc: Todd Herman
> Subject: Re: [Standards] FW: pubsub question related to notification events
> On 8/3/12 9:16 AM, Todd Herman wrote:
> >>I have been reviewing XEP-0060 (pubsub) and have come across
> something
> > that is bothering me.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Throughout the document, notification events are highlighted and
> > discussed.  The events come as a Message element with a child Event
> > element that is in the jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event >namespace.
> > This is the case for nearly every event notification until you get to
> > the very end of section 8 in the document.
> >
> >
> >
> >>8.9.4 describes the notification event for an affiliation change.
> > However, this event notification is a Message stanza with a Pubsub
> > child element (rather than an Event element).  I would like to
> > >understand why it is this way.  The section above it, 8.8.4, covers
> > subscription notifications (very similar in nature to the
> > affiliations) and it is under an Event element.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Could someone tell me if there is a specific reason for it being setup
> > this way?  If their isn’t, I would like to submit that “affiliation”
> > be added under the Event namespace (similar to subscription) and
> > >section
> > 8.9.4 be updated accordingly.
> >
> >
> >
> > I am resending this message from yesterday because we really need a
> > response.
> Patience, grasshopper. :)
> > I don’t want to move away from the specification but we want to code
> > this in a manner that makes sense.  We currently use OpenFire and
> > OpenFire doesn’t event seem to support this event at all so it
> > shouldn’t be an issue with OpenFire.  We are writing our own server so
> > we can code it to behave the way we want.  Does anyone have any
> > thoughts here?
> Your question is a good one. I for one do not recall exactly why the 
> affiliation
> change notifications are qualified by the 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
> namespace whereas the publication event notifications and subscription-
> related changes are qualified by the
> 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event' namespace. You'll notice that the
> example from Section 8.9.4 is about an affiliation change, and we didn't have
> an <affiliations/> element in the #event namespace, only in the main pubsub
> namespace, so that's the likely cause. In any case, I think the example in
> Section 8.9.4. is "works as designed", although I also think it would be good 
> to
> validate it with existing implementations. I'll forward this reply to the
> pub...@xmpp.org list to poke them in case they're not paying attention
> here.

Thanks Peter.  I noticed the same thing with the XSD.  That is why I looked at 
the other elements.  The subscription and subscriptions elements are very 
similar in nature and serve as a good comparison.  They are in both namespaces 
to accommodate  being used in an event so I figured it would make sense for 
affiliation to follow suite.

I actually have an additional finding for the same section 8.9.4.  In the 
example, the affiliation element (in the pubsub namespace) includes a Jid 
attribute.  However, the schema for pubsub does not include the Jid attribute 
for the affiliation element.  However, the affiliation element in the 
pubsub#owner namespace does include the jid attribute.

I apologize that I didn't realize there was a separate pubsub list.  I will see 
if I can jump on to it.

> Peter
> --
> Peter Saint-Andre
> https://stpeter.im/

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