On 09/27/2012 09:45 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 8/1/12 3:32 AM, Sergey Dobrov wrote:
> Sergey, thanks for the feedback.

Surely, You are always welcome, I am back from my vacation and can
continue my work :) Thank you too for your work.

>>> 3. Is the text of XEP-0071 clear and unambiguous? Are more
>>> examples needed? Is the conformance language (MAY/SHOULD/MUST)
>>> appropriate? Have developers found the text confusing at all?
>>> Please describe any suggestions you have for improving the text.
>> Why don't we have a possibility to use the <del> HTML tag?
> Could you please describe why you think the <del> tab would be useful?
> For instance, do you think we would use that in the message correction
> spec, or (for microblogging) in the equivalent of "modified tweets"?

I didn't think about it actually :) I needed it when I was developing
one of XEP-277 transports, the markup of the legacy system supports the
[s] bb code, so I need it too.

But deeper my point is that as far as we support xhtml:strong, em, and
so on, we should support del/ins too just to be consistent: I can
outline some text with strong or em and the client will be able to style
the text according to user preferences but here the only option is to
use CSS style hardcoded.

Sorry, if my statement is not clear :)

> Peter

With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and JRuDevels.org founder.

Sent from my Gentoo GNU/Linux PC.

With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and JRuDevels.org founder.


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