
I'm writing to you to, to ask about the status of the following document:

How is this proposed extension used today, and in what implementations?

I'm interested in developing extensions for allowing sensor data communication 
and IoT, among other things. We have multiple applications using XMPP and 
sensors. Before proposing an extension by ourselves, I've been waiting to find 
colleagues working in the same area, so we could propose an extension together, 
this increasing the probability for it to become useful.

What is the status of the above mentioned document? Is it set in stone, or is 
it possible to work on it, redefine parts of it, etc., in order for it to 
become more general and suitable also to our needs? Are you able to invite 
other authors to partake in the development of this proposed extension?

Peter Waher

Peter Waher, Gerente General

Clayster Chile Ltda
Calle Blanco 1623, oficina 1402
Valparaíso, Chile
Teléfono: +56-32-2122533, +56-9-71993640
Skype: peter.waher
Correo electrónico: peter.wa...@clayster.com<mailto:peter.wa...@clayster.com>
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClaysterLabs,  https://twitter.com/PeterWaher
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/pub/peter-waher/1a/71b/a29

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