  It looks like purge_offline's behaviour in XEP-0060 is entirely
undefined. The pertinent bits seem to be:

1) That purge_offline means: "Whether to purge all items when the
relevant publisher goes offline"

2) That, when talking about a normal purge "a purge request MUST NOT
result in sending the same notifications as are sent when deleting
items (since purging a node with many persisted items could result in
a large number of notifications); instead, the node MUST send a single
notification to each subscriber, containing an empty <purge/> child

and that's it.

So the closest thing I can see to prescribed behaviour is that when
doing a purge_offline because a publisher went offline their items are
silently removed and that if the node is now completely empty a
<purge.../> notification is sent. This still doesn't seem entirely
satisfying, but the only other option seems to be sending retract
notifications for all of the items removed, which (2) says a purge
explicitly MUST NOT do.



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