This again leads me back to the question whether we should change "SHOULD" to 
"MUST" within this paragraph:

        If no <stream:features/> element is included in the connection 
manager's session creation response, then the client SHOULD send empty request 
elements until it receives a response containing a <stream:features/> element.

What comes to my mind at this point why we should NOT change this is because if 
there's a MUST than you can't do this "single shot" BOSH session creation + 
auth + <some foo> we've been talking about the Summit (when it came to web 
clients and performance/round trip times).


On 08.02.2013, at 18:28, Peter Saint-Andre <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 2/8/13 2:37 AM, Winfried Tilanus wrote:
>> On 02/07/2013 01:50 PM, Stefan Strigler wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Stream features are only provided by non legacy servers which
>>> might accept legacy auth for backwards compatibility with legacy
>>> clients. Legacy servers don't know about stream features.
>> I have been rereading XEP-0078 on this, and you are right: sending 
>> stream features is optional in XEP-0078. So legacy servers my not
>> send a stream features.
>> That raises the question: do we need to maintain backward
>> compatibility here, or can we skip all references to XEP-0078
>> altogether?
> I think we can remove the XEP-0078 references. It has been obsolete
> since 2008.
> Peter
> - -- 
> Peter Saint-Andre
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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> =M81J

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