Hi Peter, all,

My feedback comes rather late but I hope it is still useful.

I think having the possibility to upload a compressed XML schema document is 
very beneficial. That said, I agree with Rumen that in almost any case you need 
to have Preserve.prefixes on to allow proper decoding.

Also, the differentiation between the two contentType values "ExiBody" and 
"ExiDocument" is not really necessary. The overhead would just be one byte. 
Instead, I would propose having another alternative that may work well for many 
use-cases. The current default options point to no schemaId. A very efficient 
representation on the wire would be the schema for schema definitions [1]. 
These pre-shared grammars would largely reduce the size of the compressed XML 
schema stream.

Hope this helps,

-- Daniel

[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd

External service provider at Siemens AG
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Von: Rumen Kyusakov [rumen.kyusa...@ltu.se]
Gesendet: Freitag, 22. März 2013 11:54
An: peter.wa...@clayster.com
Cc: standards@xmpp.org; public-...@w3.org
Betreff: EXI in XMPP: schema negotiations

Hello Peter, all,

Thank you for your comments on the EXI options exchange and adding the EXI 
compressed schema use case in the specification!
I think the text in section §2.5 captures the case and can be easily extended 
to incorporate new standard EXI schema formats when and if such become 
Please consider the following comments:
- Predefining the EXI options to be used is very good approach as it simplifies 
the process and outweighs some small performance benefits that can be gained by 
for e.g. allowing communicating of the schema in EXI schema-mode.
- I agree with the choice of the default values of the EXI options except for 
preserve - most schemas use qualified names in attribute values (e.g. ref and 
type attribute when specifying a type definition). According to the EXI 
specification (section §6.3): "When qualified names are used in the values of 
AT or CH events in an EXI Stream, the Preserve.prefixes fidelity option SHOULD 
be turned on to enable the preservation of the NS prefix declarations used by 
these values". So Preserve.prefixes should be on or a large class of schemas 
will not be able to be presented by the EXI compressed schema mechanism.
- In my opinion the use of ExiBody and ExiDocument as a separate options of the 
compressed schema negotiations is unnecessary. When the EXI options are 
communicated in an out-of-band mechanism, which is the case of predefined 
options, the Options Presence Bit in the header can be set to 0 and the EXI 
Options omitted. Thus the difference in size of ExiBody and ExiDocument is 1 
byte when EXI Cookie is excluded and 5 bytes otherwise. My suggestion is to 
merge the ExiBody and ExiDocument into a single option "EXI" and explicitly 
specifying that the options should not be included in the header as they are 
predefined. I am also in favor of implementing the same approach for the 
transmission of EXI-compressed stanzas. Instead of presenting them as a 
sequence of EXI bodies it is EXI standard compliant to transmit them as 
standard EXI documents with header and out-of-band options without including 
the optional EXI Cookie. This will make each stanza fully compliant EXI 
document with 1 byte header.
- I think the information on how the client and the server use the negotiated 
schema information is not enough and allows for ambiguous behavior by the 
implementations. The issue is that it is not clear which of the negotiated 
schema is the main one for a particular stanza - all others should be linked 
through the main one with <xs:import> statement. This is a standard way of 
defining constrains and validation checks for XML and is not unique to EXI - 
each XML can be validated against one XML schema at a time. This XML schema can 
have multiple namespaces added through <xs:import> and be spread in multiple 
files but there is a single root XML schema document from which all these 
definitions are linked. The unique identification of the root schema for each 
stanza is needed to correctly build the EXI body document grammar 
(http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-exi-20110310/#informedDocGrammars) for which a 
list of all global definitions are needed. It might be useful to consider using 
the schemaID header option + the schema md5 hash for each stanza if other 
mechanism is not better suited.

Best Regards,
Rumen Kyusakov
PhD student
EISLAB, Luleå University of Technology

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