On 5/14/13 1:36 AM, Steffen Larsen wrote:
> Hi Peter!,
> Super cool, Peter. I've been developing a bit on Tigase, but mostly
> on plugins, clustering, multitennant stuff etc. but I think that I'll
> join anyway! Always a good thing to re-think / update our security
> model for certificate checking etc. 

Well, I really am hoping that we can make TLS more common for server to
server connections, and to do that we'll need to complete more testing
of the PKIX approach and I think also start working on implementation
and deployment of DNSSEC and probably POSH. It would be great to do some
testing of Prosody, Tigase, etc.

> How about spam issues and trust?
> is that included as well? I think it's becoming a bigger and bigger
> issue when doing massive/multitennant hosting.

Let's include it. Something needs to be done about that, and I know that
Matthew Wild and others (including me) have been pondering it quite a
bit lately. It's quite painful for people who operate XMPP services.

> PS: Why are most north-amarican XMPP devs. there? Because of the
> IETF/WG meeting?

Well, "most" might be too strong. :-)

At least Matt Miller, Joe Hildebrand, and I will be there. Typically a
few Google folks show up at IETF meetings for RTCWEB discussions. Etc.


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